Does Everyone Need Protein?

Does Everyone Need Protein?

It was once commonly thought that only bodybuilders and physique athletes needed protein – that protein was just for those looking to gain muscle. Well, that conversation has changed over time.

Today, protein consumption is becoming more of a nutrition priority across many types of athletes as well as healthy adults. Take a look:


Sports are perhaps the most dynamic of all types of physical activity that may require a mix of endurance, strength and intensity.

Athletes who play sports like basketball, soccer, volleyball, rugby, cricket, tennis, wrestling, martial arts, boxing, baseball, football, hockey and more can all benefit from sufficient protein in their diet. The physical activity and overall exertion can cause muscle breakdown. In turn, requiring adequate protein to help support muscle recovery and performance.


It’s a common misconception that endurance athletes only need carbohydrates and that protein can cause them to bulk up and slow down performance. However, endurance athletes, such as long-distance runners, swimmers, cyclists, bikers, rowers, also require protein in their diet to help support muscle recovery.

Muscle is used in all aspects of endurance from walking on a treadmill to running up a mountain. However, the level of muscular endurance may differ based on activity, duration, distance and type of terrain. In all, endurance athletes require protein to help repair and recover muscle tissues that may have been damaged during prolonged physical activity.


Strength athletes, such as bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters, require protein in their diet to support muscle repair and growth. Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle tissue, and strength athletes need to consume enough of it to support the increased demands placed on their muscles during their training.

Intense resistance training can cause micro tears in muscle fibers, which need to be repaired and rebuilt with the help of protein. Building muscle is not an overnight phenomenon – it takes times. The amount of time depends on the individuals training regimen, nutrition, rest, and recovery schedule.


Protein is an essential macronutrient required for all health adults, active or not. Protein helps to makeup tissues, organs, muscles, and other important structural tissues in the body.

After a protein is ingested, it has the potential to perform thousands of different functions within the body from structure, function and regulation processes. These proteins in the body support a multitude of vital functions far beyond muscle, including …

  1. Growth and repair of tissues including damaged muscles
  2. Accelerate /facilitate chemical reactions through protein-based enzymes involved in digestion, metabolism, and energy production
  3. Transport and store nutrients in the body such as the protein transferrin which transports iron in the blood
  4. Act as antibodies produced by the immune system
  5. Regulate various hormones, which are chemical messengers that signal growth, development, and metabolism
  6. Provide energy when carbohydrates and fats are scarce
  7. Act as buffers to help support fluid and pH balance in the body


While protein is necessary for all healthy adults, the amount and type of protein required may vary depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, activity level, and overall health status. It’s imperative that all healthy adults consume adequate amounts of protein whether they are active or not. However, the amount of protein needed for the average adult varies depending on their lifestyle. 


  1. Aim to make protein about 10 to 35% of total daily caloric needs
  2. Aim for 20 - 40 grams per meal or snack and find opportunities throughout the day to add a variety of proteins
  3. Aim for food-first approach from protein foods such as chicken, turkey, seafood, eggs, dairy, soy products and other plant-based sources such as legumes, nuts and seeds
  4. If needs remain unmet through food alone, then supplement with world’s best-selling whey protein powder, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey


Protein is required by all healthy adults - on a daily basis, active or not - through every stage of life. Athletes and people who engage in regular physical activity may also need more protein to help support recovery after exercise. Not only do bodybuilder and physique athletes require protein, but also team sport athletes and endurance athletes such as long-distance runners.

Ultimately, if your protein needs aren’t being met, then your body’s overall requirements aren’t being satisfied. If you are unsure about your protein intake, consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional for personalised advice.

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